Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bicycle Cafes & Restaurants

bicycle rsturant pic

Here’s a list of places to seek out. They are all Bicycle ‘themed’ and have you....the stylish bicyclist in mind. Please help me add to list and send me your suggestions!

Bay Area
Velo Rouge Cafe
Mojo Bicycle Cafe
Chef Landria

Portland, OR
The Little Red Bike Café

***** Update:
Since first trailblazing with this 'Bicycle Cafes & Restaurants' category others have come after me with far greater diligence. I dropped the ball ball but look who has taken up the cause and sallied forth:

Bikes and the City (primarily coffee cafes in San Francisco, online since March 2008)
Coffee Cycle Chic ( coffee cafe listings' hub, online since January 2008)

My Ping in TotalPing.com