Saturday, August 1, 2009

i like to see how truly bright you are


Teens Downtown on Bicycles

(photo by RidingPretty)

those legs!


so serious


Atlas Pasaj-Taksim

I am writing more about vintage shop stops in istanbul.I visited Atlas Pasaj before my vacation and I was always staring at the window of Örümcek (store that sells vintage sunwear,hats,bags,and more).I had chance to talk to owner of Örümcek.There are many accessories that are interesting pieces that must be checked out.I liked the handbags (I bought one),and I tried sunglasses that are timeless(very old).

the sunwear pieces are beyond great but they are expensive for the price.

earrings,neclklaces,headbands etc...

I think its a pretty old place with suprising pieces every vintage lover should visit.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Harajuku Lovers Part 2a

Danny Roberts Collaboration SweatShirt with Gwen Stefanis company harajuku Lovers
Danny Roberts Collaboration Shirt with Gwen Stefanis company harajuku Lovers

Yay for Fridays! :)
So yesterday i was tipped off by the lovely Miss Mattaya
that some more of my collaboration collection with Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers is out.
This is just one of i think 6 shirts coming out.
Not sure how many sweatshirts are coming out either,
but i sure am excited~
I drew everything on it even all the text going around the clothes where hand drawn :)
i hope you like it.
The shirts should be popping up all around over the next 2 weeks.
It should be in Bloomingdales, Norstroms, Macy's, Kitson, and some boutiques.
i will keep you posted.
Oh, also if you want to order the shirt above, it is up at Karmaloop & Amazon
and if you want the sweatshirt, it's up on Amazon

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{happy weekend!}

This weekend is satin dresses and sunsets, dinner reservations and late, late nights . . .

Have a beautiful, beautiful weekend, everyone!

{image: jalouse 09, design dig via karla's closet}

je t'aime


boots: nicholas kirkwood for rodarte ,, BALENCIAGA!

sorry guys i read the info for the 'opposite page' in harper's bazaar ;/

happiness is a warm gun


guns n roses


fyi maureen is the source

take the step


Teens on Bicycles... Santa Cruz Style

(photo by ridingpretty)

Here we have three teens on an average summer day in Santa Cruz. This is a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian path that goes along beautiful West Cliff. People here are so wonderfully laid back. It's so California and it's why Santa Cruz has the nickname; 'The Cruz'....There just aren't the path wars that other urban cyclists have been complaining about in their neck of the urban jungles. It's the attitude that matters, TG we're a basically a laid back, unified community and probably owing a lot of it to the Surfer Vibe. Slow down and watch for Surfers crossing!!! We love our Surfers.


Thanks to lolafalk for getting in touch with Ridingpretty. It's so nice my photos inspired you to want to ride a bicycle. I am thrilled that you want to encourage others to ride a bicycle via your fashion blog. Let's keep spreading bicycle love all around the fashionista blogoshere!!

Marko wants RidingPretty readers to check out his blog World Carfree Network


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Thursday Night

Danny Roberts sketch of a girl and a bear head

Hey friends! Happy Thursday!
hahah Almost Friday! woot woot.
Well, i didn't finish that painting,
but did this little sketch for you.
i saw this picture of this girl carrying this over-sized stuffed bear head.
It's was way too amazing to pass up.
haha i hope you like it. :)

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Nylon Mexico - Shirt Feature

Nylon Mexico Feature of the Girls in Glasses Shirt

Well, i've been painting today,
and still have a painting i will post tonight, dont worry,
but i wanted to do a "Press" post,
cause a few magazines and newspapers have been nice enough to feature, use my work, and interview me.
It's been amazing and crazy over the last few days.
Like out of nowhere i saw my handbags featured on The Home Shopping Network yesterday!
haha i was tripping out! First time i've seen my work on TV! It was fun, my mom and i were tripping out.
But yea, first off, i want to thank Nylon Mexico for featuring my Girls in Glasses Shirt in their June/July Music Issue.
Also, yesterday, the posted an interview i did with them.
If you want to read it Click Here.
And thank you to Marie Claire Spain for featuring my Cover on your post today. :)

I'm going to have the new painting up in a little while.
Also, i am starting a monthly email newsletter, to update & alert you all on news, events, and new products, etc.
If you want to get the updates, enter your email address in the form below! Hope you're doing great. ;)

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bedroom eyes

garance doré

i can still see you


{two lovely things: gold + geometric}

Always drawn to gold in interiors, especially in geometric patterns such as this beautiful wood and metal shelf {above} and hand-forged gueridon table with gold gilding {below}, perfectly matched with a swing-arm sconce and brass shade . . .

{images: 1 - phoebe howard via pink wallpaper; 2 - photography by gemma comas for domino magazine january/february 2006; table, distant origin; sconce, ralph lauren home}

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


studded hearts



bend that way


hello ladies...


{inspiration: embellishments}

Things to look forward to: layers, ruffles, cuffs and pearls, and for summer's end -- tweeds and cardigans and pretty, pretty embellishments . . .

{p.s.} really beautiful ankle boots here

{images: Natasha Poly by Patrick Demarchelier for Vogue China August 2009}

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

karolin wolter


something so refreshing about this lady!



c + j


The Profile of Miss Johannesson

Painting of swedish model Mona Johannesson

Hello, Hello, my friends!
How are you?
Well, today has been a long, but good day;
been drawing and painting all day.
Did this painting of one of my favorite models Mona Johannesson.
I've been eyeing this picture of her for a while now.
I love this photo shoot, it's wonderful,
so i ended up painting it today.
Kinda reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a little.
Well, i hope you like it! :)

Edit: Also if you look to the Left on the side bar i added "Sign up for Email Alerts" so that i can let you know right way about any new releases. Also, I think I'm going to do a monthly newsletter to keep you all up on everything. so just fill the form out if you want to receive them. :)

Oh, also, thank you so much to Katrina-Kasey Wheeler and the for the article and interview! if you want to read it click here

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