Friday, July 31, 2009

Teens on Bicycles... Santa Cruz Style

(photo by ridingpretty)

Here we have three teens on an average summer day in Santa Cruz. This is a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian path that goes along beautiful West Cliff. People here are so wonderfully laid back. It's so California and it's why Santa Cruz has the nickname; 'The Cruz'....There just aren't the path wars that other urban cyclists have been complaining about in their neck of the urban jungles. It's the attitude that matters, TG we're a basically a laid back, unified community and probably owing a lot of it to the Surfer Vibe. Slow down and watch for Surfers crossing!!! We love our Surfers.


Thanks to lolafalk for getting in touch with Ridingpretty. It's so nice my photos inspired you to want to ride a bicycle. I am thrilled that you want to encourage others to ride a bicycle via your fashion blog. Let's keep spreading bicycle love all around the fashionista blogoshere!!

Marko wants RidingPretty readers to check out his blog World Carfree Network

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