Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Process

well folks i'm currently illustrating my first children's book written by the lovely miss Sophie Ward. It's an amazing book. i can't wait for it to be out there... but i wanted to post some screenshots of one of the drawing for the book. enjoy. :)
Here are some Screen shots from Sophie Wards, Ginger Marmalade Toastmiester, Illustrated by Danny Roberts
Here are some Screen shots from Sophie Wards, Ginger Marmalade Toastmiester, Illustrated by Danny Roberts
Here are some Screen shots from Sophie Wards, Ginger Marmalade Toastmiester, Illustrated by Danny Roberts
Here are some Screen shots from Sophie Wards, Ginger Marmalade Toastmiester, Illustrated by Danny Roberts
Here are some Screen shots from Sophie Wards, Ginger Marmalade Toastmiester, Illustrated by Danny Roberts
My Ping in