Thursday, October 9, 2008

Busy in the Studio..Getting Ready for Cycle Fashion Show...Cork, Ireland

photolink: CycleChicFashionShowExhibitors

I promise I will be posting soon again and with regularity. Right now I'm buried in my studio working away. I think I'll post pictures next of the Monarch butterflies and sweet, little migrant birds that are flying by, then stopping to rest themselves in the trees... I look out from my studio window and I am awe inspired by these creatures. So they are good company for me while I slave away.

Anyway...the photo above is the 'look' I chose to represent my designs and work overall for the upcoming Cycle Chic Fashion Show in Cork, Ireland. It happens on Nov. 1st!!!

The helmet cover in the above photo certainly is a most whimsical and fun one! Oh, and the model is Micol. She is a chef extraordinaire, hails from Tuscany, Italy and is a huge Slow Foods Advocate. She is also a fine artist and painter.

Stayed tuned....I will be back!!!

My Ping in