Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Lady Sophie Ophelia Frida Claire Ward

This is a Picture of Model Sophie Ward in front of Danny Roberts painting of her

Hello my friends,
Well, dropped off the magical Miss Ward in LA last night.
I have to say, i don't remember the last time i had so much fun as the last few days with Sophie.
She truly is amazing.
Do get familiar with her writing; i think she is going to be one of the greatest writers of our day.
Also, if you could get the word out on her blog.
We also met in regards to Paper Castle Press and the direction of the Company.
I can say, there are some exciting things coming up. :)

So, what do you all think of how Sophie's portrait is coming?
The oils are starting to dry and i can't wait to lay some more layers down on it.
I really really really hope i can capture her lovely demeanor and cheery outlook.
I shall keep you all up to date on it.
Happy Sunday

My Ping in