Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Mona and the Magical Owl" Page 202

This is Danny Roberts Art out of his Character Sketchbook, it's drawing 202  its of mona Johannesson holding a magical Owl Looking like a Princess.

"Igor it's alive aaaliveee!"- Dr. Frankenstein
I'm having fun doing these new pages.
How are you all doing?
i really love the weather this time of year.
Well, drawing number 202 is of Mona Johannesson and a Magical owl.
I mean, how could i resist!
Is it just me or does Mona Johannesson remind you of a Princess?
Every time i see her, my first thoughts are Fairytale Princess.
hahah Well it's true!
i hope you all are doing great!

To see more from Volume 1 and Volume 2 see volume 3 just clickClick here

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