Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bicycles and Street Fashion Chic -- ELLE

ELLE Bicycle Street Style shared by ridingpretty

ELLE Bicycle Street Style shared by ridingpretty
photo credit Mr. Newton via ELLE

You've probably seen lots of street style photos here are on RidingPretty that I’ve either shot myself (see the side bar- street shots) or the ones I’ve shared with you from some of the greats like The Sartorialist. So enjoy this newest share...

These shots today are from ELLE and the wonderful eye of Mr. Newton in a piece called Street Chic – Easy Riding. There are fifteen shots in all, one more fantastic than the next. All the girls have these great summer outfits on, so there is plenty of “what to wear”, bicycle style tips to be picked up by perusing the photos. So no more excuses, or whining about what to wear in sweltering summer heat. These girls are doing it!

Looking through these photos I was struck with how many bicycle had baskets - twelve bicycles with baskets out of the fifteen! What this says to me - the bicycle is not just the newest "must have" fashion accessory as many have tried to claim. Look at all the stuff being loaded and transported into those baskets. I didn’t see a single pannier though - I suppose that will be the next.

My Ping in