Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Santa Cruz, Save $200 on a Folding Bike...A Response to 'Cash for Clunkers'

The $4500 for Cash for Clunkers trade-in incentive is red hot for cars buyers and dealerships/manufactures right now. To me Santa Cruz's Ecology Action folding bike incentive is a good start in that direction and I wish there were more of this sort of thing for bicyclists in the future.

SO on to the details .....Yes, hurry because this incentive program 'Folding Bikes in Buses' offered by Santa Cruz's Ecologg Action ends soon (summer 2009).There are limited rebates remaining, but what a deal for Santa Cruz residents!

Fantastic, I now have my rebate voucher in hand for a folding bike via this program. I'd been considering a folding bike forever. So what convinced me? ...Well, I am so ecstatic over the prospect of taking a folding bike on the bus and then train all the way to SF. I so miss SF! It will be a 2 hour trip with a folding bike, but it will be so cool to do this trip all car free! And I can never get bumped off any trains or buses because my bike is a folding bike! Plus I'll have my own set of bike wheels to get me around SF once I'm there. I also know I will wind end up planning longer car free trips because I can now utilize public transportation combo a folding bike to get there. Besides (silly me) I think the cute factor of a folding bike is just irresistible.

To earn my voucher required that I attend a 2-hour bicycle training class. More about this excellent class later.


contact info for the program:
Ecology Action @ 831-426-5925 ext.128... you must pre-register, space is limited.

2 classes are left:

Tuesday August 18 @ 6-8pm

Thursday September 17 @ 6-8pm

(24ct gold folding bicycle: photo via Ilovemybike.co.uk)

Now all I have to do is decide which folding bike to choose. While the program ends this September, my voucher is good for several months, giving me all the more time to decide. Any thoughts on this will be appreciated!
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