Friday, February 5, 2010

Fashion Blogger Beauty and her Vintage Bicycle

I guess I just couldn't keep myself from resisting - I re-posted them ALL! - The Freelance Fashionblog's photos- the ones where she is wearing these adorable vintage outfits with her vintage bicycle. I just love these pictures!....

the freelancers fashionblog's bicycle by ridingpretty

the freelancers fashionblog's bicycle by ridingpretty

the freelancers fashionblog's bicycle by ridingpretty
(all photo credit: The Freelancers Fashionblog)

But Alas, she has left her lovely vintage bicycle in the snow since November...

the freelancers fashionblog's bicycle by ridingpretty
(all photo credit: The Freelancers Fashionblog)

Now leaving your bicycle covered in snow is sad, everyone agrees especially The Freelance Fashionblogger... but spring is on it's way with delightful warm days ahead (to dream about for now)... Warm days where you just feel it in your bones that you just have to ride your bicycle!

With that in mind here is some help to get your bicycle ready for spring. I've written a post called Green Clean Your Bicycle sharing my tips - for instance on how to get rid of rust. It will get you started on the road to recovery - for the sake of your dear bicycle!

My Ping in