Saturday, February 6, 2010


I wasn't going to let a little old snow storm keep me way from Boz Scaggs. He was in town last night in a small intimate venue of about 1,000 people for a concert I have wanted to see for quite some time. Unfortunately, so was one of the biggest snowstorms to hit the Middle Atlantic region of the United States. Talk about timing!
Boz managed to just squeeze his concert out in the nick of time. By the time it was over the roads were covered with a few inches of snow.

This morning I woke up to this

Do you remember Boz Scaggs from his hits in the 70's?
I thought I would share a few of his performances with you. Appropriately, HEART OF MINE,
is one of his hit songs I thought would be perfect to share with you this month since I'm on a roll about RED, LOVE, HEARTS and HEART HEALTH AWARENESS.
I figured you could sense a theme :)
Sit back and enjoy the concert like I did last night.
I hope you LOVE him as much as I do!

I'll bet you remember The Lido Shuffle. Somehow they considered that disco. I'm not quite sure why. Sure you want to do a little boppin' around, but the finger point dance???? Nay. If you watch the Miss Sun video you will have to appreciate the backup singer having a back and forth banter with the guitar and Boz Scaggs. It's so cool and it's worth checking out. No, it's not finger point dance worthy, it's better than that. I hope you LOVE your trip down memory lane and do a little boogie while you're at it.

My Ping in