Monday, February 8, 2010


February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month

I have a special place in my HEART
for this subject, that's for sure.

As many of you know, I lost my father to Heart Disease.
Some of us are called lucky, if you want to call it that, to go quickly and without a lot of suffering in one fell swoop to a heart attack. While others can linger for years being ill and slowly having their health erode from this horrible disease. I have had it touch me both ways.

My father in law played golf, laughed, joked & had dinner with friends, having a great day, only to come home and have a fatal heart attack in the middle of the night. Luckily for him, he did not suffer. No, only those he left behind did. With no warning, his wife and children had no chance to say goodbye, or anything else to him for that matter (There's a reason to say I love you on a daily basis, for all you stubborn, busy or apathetic people out there). My dad, on the other hand, suffered for a decade only to have his health slowly chipped way by a heart attack and 4 strokes. In the end, his dementia was so bad he barely understood that he had to live out his last 365 days living in a nursing home. If he only knew and could fully comprehend, he would never wanted that for himself.

If only we could rewind our lives. We could have loved better, deeper and harder. We would have said I LOVE YOU more often and we certainly would have taken better care of ourselves. So don't just let
Valentines Day
be the reason you say I love you to the special people in your life.
Certainly don't think because February is Heart Awareness Month it's the month to miraculously change your life. It's not for a month, it's for a lifetime. If you won't do it for you, do it for the one ones you love...and remember to tell them so!!
My Ping in