SO a few weeks ago i saw a movie by my favorite director Krzysztof Kieślowski,
it was Called " A short Film About Love" and i have to say, it's one of the most brilliant and interesting movies i've seen in i can't remember how long.
It's definitely unlike any Love story you have every seen... haha
Though it was really different, for some reason, i could really relate to it.
Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing? haha
Not sure why i'm posting about it.
But i was sitting and drawing and listening to music today,
and a sort of cheesy sappy love song came on, and it made me start thinking about how there are stereo typical imagery when the word "Love" is mentioned generally.
For example, i think of a big heart floating in the air, haha
but when each of us thinks of love in terms that apply to us, we picture a whole other set of images, and these aren't generic at all, they're specific to us and our dreams and experiences... i don't know, i was thinking about that yesterday and cracking up because when i thought about it, the most random sequence of images popped in my head.
So i was thinking as a little homework assignment to you all,
since I'm definitely a person that likes telling stories through images,
i thought it would be interesting to have yawl post two images that remind you of love. Not generic love, but your personal version of it...
i don't know, you don't have to if you don't want to.. wow this is a quiet the rambling post... i should probably go to bed now. hahaha
oh p.s. the picture is a 5ft painting i did 3-4 years ago.
P.s.s. Miss Sophie Ward wrote a really nice post on me today. She posted alot of my the drawing i did of her with the matching picture i drew off of. it's really interesting to see them side by side. if you want to check it out, CLICK HERE