Hello friends!
Sorry to miss another night of posts. i think i finally have this whole internet thing worked out.
Did a long night of Karaoke last night!
I definitely sang Peter Pan's "I Don't Want to Grow Up"! haha
And then, i wake up this morning to see Mr. Perez Hilton had posted my portrait i did for him for Bloglovin.
And then i thought i would post the picture as part of the Blogger Portrait Series considering it is a blogger Portrait.
Thank you so much, Perez! :)
There will be more tonight!
I drew a Vogue cover from 1962 on the plane ride over here, not sure if it's Audrey Hepburn on it or not,
but it sure looks just like her!
Well anyways friends, 5 day count down till the wedding. i'm pretty excited.
The wedding is going to be on the beach in Alice's backyard.
Think we are going to be build a gazebo for the ceremony today.
Hope you all are doing great!
ciao :)
EDIT: Just added images in my Image Diary