I had school today and after school I went to Taksim,İstiklal.I walked all the way and through Tunel I searched for passages and small vintage boutiques and also bershka.I have two lemmings.two dresses that I see and dont buy lol.I crush on them but I shouldnt spend lots of money on clothes these days.I only bought H&M shirt a goog and a hot one and there was %30 sale at The Body Shop and I bought my lemming parfume TBS Japanese Cherry Blossom.I have its shower gel and body butter but parfume was a bit expensive but at discount I bought it at last.yay!
It was a sunny saturday but it was a bit cold outside.I checked out Atlas pasajı first.I saw there were new store openings especially one who sells hats.I also checked out vintage handbags shop there are few nice ones but its not a cheap store.
I was alone and I also frequent bershka.It was sooo crowded.I checked out the shoe counter but it was so messed up.Why do malls have a chaos on saturdays?It was all crowded.everywhere...but I was alone by myself.My celly didnt even ring once.I was having the perfect quality time by myself.Maybe I like being alone or I dont really have a shopping friend.I'm kind of alone..in Istanbul.
this is what I was wearing today
my lemming dress its sooo summer
the passages have the coolest clothes for individuals
the vintage handbags
the view is from a silver shop.aren't they beautiful?
from Bershka
at Bershka I liked this small tote
taksim tünel crowd