scroll down//aşağı inin Galata'daki küçük dükkanlar,Kule, fotoğraflar, Bu kalp seni unutur mu dizisi çekim fotoğrafları hepsi aşağıda:)bi de istanbul fashion addict'iniz var... :)
Floral Dress:Mango,boots:Elle,silver turtle brooch from Taksim Silver Gift Shops,bag:Vero Moda.
I had an amazing weekend.All I did was blog work and searching for the perfect gift I should buy for my new co-worker that I know less than anyone.I started at early saturday at Kuruçeşme to meet with Ms.Işıl from Iznik Foundation.She came later and we met and drank coffee.The view of bosphorus from her room is amazing.Anywayz,after coffee I jumped to a taxi and headed to Akmerkez.What I saw was unbelieveable.Many closed stores.I know Akmerkez was the most popular and high end mall in Istanbul.But crisis effects were much.I visited Zara and MAC Cosmetics.At Mac sales team were very sweet.I bought fake eyelashes and they tried to show how to apply.During our chat with manager of akmerkez mac I realized she was at Istanbul Fashion Days for designers backstage makeup too.I said I were at the backstage too and she wanted my blog url.I love akmerkez mac people.I was waiting for days to have a mac store opening years ago when mac came to istanbul.It was huge.I also frequented MANGO cause the huge %50 sale was ON!!!:)
Today I and my photographer friend who has a Nikon did work together at Galata.We even stepped into "BU KALP SENİ UNUTUR MU" show thats on at SHOWTV.Most of the leading actors and actresses were filming a scene at BEYOGLU HOSPITAL.I had amazing photographs at GALATA TOWER and around Galata.There were small pretty fashion and gift stores there.I know Galata is becoming another FASHION CAPITAL of Istanbul.I loved small designer boutiques.
Today I and my photographer friend who has a Nikon did work together at Galata.We even stepped into "BU KALP SENİ UNUTUR MU" show thats on at SHOWTV.Most of the leading actors and actresses were filming a scene at BEYOGLU HOSPITAL.I had amazing photographs at GALATA TOWER and around Galata.There were small pretty fashion and gift stores there.I know Galata is becoming another FASHION CAPITAL of Istanbul.I loved small designer boutiques.
Historical buildings
who are you people around me?^^
the ones that understand are graffitis on the walls
paristexas is interesting by far.
loved these...
lovely again.
^^eldivenlerime zoom yapın^^
boynumda nikon arkamda galata kulesi...
uber photo of the day
Hale Soygazi sette.Oturan Melis Birkan.ağlayacağı sahneyi çekmeden önce gözpınarlarına pamuk sokuyor.Ben olsam hemen ağlarım çünkü gözlerim çok hassas.hemen yaşarıyor.
Berrak tüzünataç, Bu kalp seni unutur mu dizisi setinde
melis birkan&bülent inal
Hale Soygazi-paydos olmuş herkes dağılırken... kuledibinde.hale Soygazi'yi bu dizi ilk başladığı günlerde Cihangir'de öğlen balık yemeye gittiğimiz bi cafe'de görmüştüm.Cildi öyle parlaktı ki bikaç kere istemeden bakmıştım...
dizi paydos verdiğinde bütün oyuncular kule dibinden dağıldı.okan yalabık da orda bi arkadaşıyla çay içmeye oturdu.ama fotolarımda yok.
me myself whatever
I loved this photo most.lovely.coz i smile:)
^^this can become my signature pose^^ lol
miss me dear Galata Tower...coz I will miss you.
I thank to my photographer friend Sezgin Karaoglufor photos.
bye bye folks.