Hey Friends, well i have some exciting news!
Today, I was featured in Forever21's magazine. Also, the article mentioned a little something about a Little Collaboration i'm doing with Forever21!! :)
I'm really excited about it. The Collaboration is still a little bit away from coming out. As far as the magazine, I did a few paintings for the "Alice in Wonderland" editorial. As I did the painting, I thought I would make a drawing process video for yawl. So this video was born out of it.
It is crazy, I had to speed the video up 6,000 times faster! haha
There is going to be a give away of my 2 limited edition prints of my paintings for F21. If you want to win one, click and enter in the give away.
Oh also, the song from the video was written by my really good friend Tim Frost. I stay with Tim & his wife Deanda every time i go out to Texas. But there is a cool story with the album. Tim wrote this album for his son, who loved Nintendo sound effects. So he wrote this full album inspired by video game sounds. Basically, it's completely brilliant, and is one of my favorite albums! The album's name is "Beadbox"! haa How awesome is that. I draw to this album all the time. He just put it up on itunes. If you want to buy it click here! Also, thank you so much to Elite Model Management for your post of my painting of Masha Kirsanova.
p.s. thanks for the formspring questions. i started the account to answer more personal questions than professional, if you have professional questions, email info@igorandandre.com . If you have questions, go to: http://www.formspring.me/DannyJRoberts