Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wharf - A Favorite Bicycle Ride

Santa Cruz Wharf is one of my favorite rides - yes that's a another panda shot and I'm wearing one of my custom bicycle helmets...

custom red helmet by ridingpretty

Big smile on my face, I know.... it's 'cause I'm getting the panda shot thing down, that and wearing my new bright red custom helmet - and getting all the tourists curious about what I'm doing waving this camera up in the air for.

santa cruz wharf photo by ridingpretty
A pit stop at the picnic tables on the wharf.

santa cruz by ridingpretty
Is this bicycle abandoned? No she'll be right back, she just stopping off at Andy's (see above photo) to pick something up.

custom red helmet by ridingpretty
Being ever conscious of getting the WHOLE outfit in the shot - a requirement if you want to do a post of 'what you wore' to Chictopia, LookBook.nu and VV's Bike Wardrobe Remix (hmm which I haven't submitted anything yet but plan on it :) So anyway I did this 'after the ride' documentation photo.

raleigh twenty bicycle photo by ridingpretty
One last wharf shot from the day... A sea gull wonders if I'll be sharing any of the seafood I'm purchasing from Stagnaro's Bros. outdoor Fish Market.

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