Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hi friends!
There's so much going on right now I think I going to burst!!!
I'm surprised no one has taped this sign on my back these days

because that's what I feel like doing!!

I am preparing for the
DAD and GRAD in my life.
My daughter's
GRADUATION is tomorrow.
I always knew this day would baby has grown up
& will be leaving the nest in two short months.


I'll be sure to post pictures.
If anyone knows me, then you can understand all the stress.

I am always complicating things because I feel the need to MAKE some of my gifts
I can't really talk about them now because I don't want to spoil any surprises and you never know who's snooping around:) I'll be sure to let you in on the surprises when the festivities are over. I just want you all to know if I haven't been such a good "Bloggy Friend" lately by coming by to say hello, now you can understand why!
My baby is graduating and I'm busy FREAKING OUT!!

I wanted to share this video I saw this morning. It helped make me laugh and it reminded me of my baby as a baby!!
(I am such a sucker for babies)

If you are freaking out about anything in your life then

Hopefully it will turn your frown upside down!

FYI, If you're someone who likes a good laugh you really need to meet Tracey @ Tracey's Crafty~ Scraps
Everytime I g
o to her blog she makes me laugh!
Go visit her if you want a good chuckle.
The girl is serious belly laugh funny.

Now let me go, I have lots more freaking out to do!!
My Ping in