I was in a rush of no time in Siena and saw him smoking outside a building.I asked him if I could take a picture of him and he asked for what? and I said I am a fashion blogger and he said Okay Okay! :) I hope he reads now.I think he has a cool look.Very summer and very cool and fresh.
I have took not more or less art photography than street style and fashion photographs in Italia during my vacation.I really loved taking street style photographs.Enjoy the up close and too personal street style photographs from Florence,Venice,Rome and Milan.
He was walking at Popolo and checking out shop windows and I was obsessed with vibrant purple shoes of him.Enjoying fashion of men in Italia.Love stylish people!
even old people have so major fashionable style in Italia.see?
thats what sartorialist first observed the trend: BLUE SHOES.Here's another proof of blue shoes trend in Italia.
trend alert in Italia: men have tattoos on their one leg.uno.perfect.
in front of Louis Vuitton,theres almost always a queue for entering the store.Rome.
even photographers are stylish.see.Rome.