On Mark's Camera Obsura post there are some twenty plus photographers listed who took such fantastic photos of the Kansas City Tweed Ride! I think it is pretty special and rare to have so many photographers turn out. Big compliments and kudos!
And I can also add there sure were a LOT of photos to look through, and numerous fine ones -- it was quite hard to settle upon the six chosen here.
Let the photos speak for themselves. They always do.
Ah, well I can't resist adding my own two cents -- I LOVE what my eye delights in, the details!
So here it goes in a random stream of consciousness... dreamy wicker bicycle with wicker picnic basket, waterfalls and tandem bicycle girls - looks just like a tourist postcard, luscious emerald green jeweled bicycle light on an emerald green bicycle, old timey bicycle B/W vignettes, Mark's vintage Raleigh bicycle lapel pin...
the photocredits:
Kim Rios
Mark Anderson
Tim Oberle
Jeremy Ruzich
Jeff Arnold