Wow, it feels good to be home with the family after Thanksgiving.
Hope you had a good day, too.
Mine was great; went to my sister and brother-in-laws' house last night,
and had the greatest feast ever!
It was really awesome.
Well, i was sitting thinking through my stengths and weaknesses in drawing,
and trying to plan out what's my next step when it comes to improving.
I decided it was fundamentals time.
Time to go back to the basics, back to the beginning of learning how to draw....
yes, back to figure drawing, and back to simple direct contour and blind contour drawing.
i think that is the first step... don't you think?
i'm semi new to the area i live in, so i need to find a school, maybe to "Crash" a figure drawing class and practice.
Not sure yet how this will work. Any thoughts?
Then my next goal, now that i have a little better understanding on the painting process is...
i want to conquer color harmony!!!
it's definitely the thing that i'm the worst at.
So, Color, here i come! :)
Well, not sure if you care about inner thoughts on developing as a "Drawler",
but i would love to hear what yawl think.
Any tips or advice for me? :)
i hope you're doing great!