Well, i came home last night quiet tired.
Had a full day's work under my belt, and did some coaching after work.
Right about the time for me to finally "tuck-in"
I stumbled on to an amazing blog.
It was full of charcoal drawings and paintings from a Canadian named Erika Altosaar.
As i looked through her site, i was delighted by all the sketckes.
(Charcoal holds a special place in my heart cause that's what i learned how to draw on)
But suddenly when i was about to the bottom of the page, one of her pictures stopped me dead in my tracks.
i loved the expression and the mood of the picture.
You should know me enough by now to know that i kinda couldn't resist drawing it, no matter how tired i was.
So i walked up to my studio and heard the rain start to fall down,
and it was sealed; i had to paint.
This portrait i think is my first drawing where i sketched it completely with a brush.
Well, i hope you like!
Happy middle of the week!
Oh, and check out Erika's blog ealtosaar.blogspot.com..