Well friends, i'm sitting here yawning and thinking back on the day.
It's over for me, but for most of you,
you're getting up and your day is just beginning...
i'm so ready for bed. Lately, i've been pretty tired,
i think it's normal, just been working hard.
i bought a pile of wood yesterday to use as convases! i'm excited.
Thanks for all the kind comments on the last post.
I'm glad you like that picture.
A lot of you wanted to see the full painting,
so i decided to post a link to it.
If you want to see it Click Here
The drawing i posted today is an early drawing out of my Character Sketchbook.
It's wierd to think that drawing is from 2 years ago.
haha. So funny looking back on all the drawings and notes!
Well, i hope you like it! :)
i'm off to bed.