Well, my friends, I'm so so glad you like my new girl!!
Really means alot! ;)
How was your day today?
So, kinda funny story today...
I got the random idea of auditioning for the 4th Twilight movie,
cause i heard they were going on, and i thought it would be a fun experience.
Plus, i've been kicking around the idea of doing a little acting...
Anyways, i found the site to sign up for the audition, filled out all the info, even uploaded a "headshot" (which was hilarious! haha)
and when i finished, it said that auditions ended about 2 weeks ago!! haha
i was like, what! come on! haha! oh well...
So, I picked the painting today in honor of that story,
cause when i was researching the audition, i stumbled on to the "New Moon" Premiere...
and was pleasantly surprised that Dakota Fanning was wearing the incredible black lace Valentino Dress
that i had painted for Sundance Chanel's "Full Frontal Fashion" as part of the Paris Fashion week coverage.
The dress was by far my pick for favorite/Best Dress of this season.
It's just beautiful and eloquent!
I really liked how the painting turned out :)
The render of the dress at that angle was actually pretty hard for me to draw!
It took way longer than i planned.
i hope you like it.
P.S. I posted pictures of my sister's display at the "L.A. CanStruction" in my image Diary. My sister's is the first picture up there. The L.A. CanStruction is a design/build competition of teams of architects, competing to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food, and then all the cans are donated to the local food banks.