Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I have been honored to receive an award from Mimi Bleu at

Click to see her magnificent blog

With this award I am supposed to:
1. Post a link to the blog that nominated me
2. Tell 7 things about myself
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers to pass the award on to



1. I AM NEW TO BLOGGING. My first post was November 3rd.
I hope you like what you have seen so far. This whole blog journey in the past 4 weeks has been amazing. I am so happy and grateful for my followers and "new blog friends".
Thanks to you for all your wonderful comments. I look forward to visits from you and I can't wait to see what you will posting on your blogs in the future.

2. I LOVE PINK. This is obvious, if you haven't figured that out by now :)

3. I LOVE CHOCOLATE. It pretty much is a part of every day for me, no matter how small the morsel, or how big the slice of cake :)

4. I LOVE SPINNING/CYCLING. I love the feeling when you are done. You feel so alive, invigorated and ready to face the day. It also helps offset #3, that chocolate thing :)

5. I AM GRATEFUL FOR MY FAMILY. I am so blessed to have a wonderful, handsome, supportive husband and the best daughter in the world. She is truly a gift to me. I am so proud of her. Not only is she beautiful on the outside; her inside is even better.
My doggies are my babies, they are so adorable. Well at least a mother thinks so :)

6. I MISS MY FATHER. He passed away 18 months ago after a very long battle with heart disease:( That is why my daughter and I make NEAR AND DEAR necklaces to support the American Heart Association. They can be found in my Etsy shop. I am grateful my mother is still here on this earth :)

7. I LOVE TO DECORATE. It has been in my blood since I was a child. When I was very young my mother could hear me rearranging my bedroom furniture on a pretty regular basis. She would just shake her head and let me go. Thanks mom, for never suppressing what has been a huge part of who I am :)


Click on the names to link to their sites

1. MY SWEET SAVANNAH While she doesn't know it, it's because of her I started this "blogging thing". My friend told me about her blog and I checked it out. She has a really great blog with very pretty photos. If you haven't heard of her blog, you should...so cute.

2. BEAUTIFUL THINGS TO SHARE All I have to say is OMG!!! Too many pretty things to look at. Your head will spin.

3. FRENCH KISSED My friend Jermaine, what a wonderful sense of French style she has!

4. FABULOUSLY FRENCH Very sophisticated French chic, oui,oui.

5. FRENCH CHARMING Fun, Flirty and French, what more could a girl want?
Great feminine photos.

6. DREAMING IN PINK I told you, I love pink!

7. A GARDEN TO REMEMBER A very talented lady. I'm amazed at all that she can do and do it well! Go see for yourself!

I hope you enjoy your award and know how much I love your blogs and want to share them with my new blog friends

My Ping in TotalPing.com