Monday, April 19, 2010


Earth Day is this week
so I thought I should spend some time
outside in the garden being at one with nature,
appreciating all the beauty of the flora and the fauna.
There's something so intoxicating about the sights,
sounds and aroma from an impeccably manicured
garden that just knocks me off my feet...
that I can't even drink my teaor hang up my laundry
As long as it is a beautiful day I can always celebrate
a Birthday or a Wedding
into the wee hours of the night
What a great place to enjoy a pretty or
a new piece of furniture
...or use some of your prettiest china
...or play a game or two
Aren't mazes fun?
I think I'm getting dizzy
Whether you're taking a nap outside,
taking a nature walkspending time with your lionor just hanging around looking pretty
Go Au Naturelle and enjoy all the splendor
Mother Nature has provided.
What do you like to do outdoors????

My Ping in