Happy Inspiration Friday!
Welcome my Friends to the Land of the Runaways!
So a few years ago i kept having these dreams that all took place in the Forest of the Runaways.
haha no joke, it only existed in my dreamworld,
and the Runaway Forest was full of rag tag kids that either didn't have a family
or had runaway from home and now lived in this Kids town they built in the forest.
In my dream i would always come visit them, and lead them on random adventures.
So today's set of images are inspired by the Runaway's Forest.
It's kinda uncanny how much the images look like that world!
so Fun! I'm hopping to start writing short stories from my dream world. ;)
The collection of images are from Shorpy, Lula Magazine, and from my friends Knightcat & Alice.
P.S. I Added Buttons to the right to "Inside My Brain" & "The Dream Walking Society" :)