Hey Friends!
Got some great news!
I'm in Vogue Nippon!
I'm so excited!
I've been a big big big Fan of Vogue Nippon for awhile!
Actually, one of the first Vogue covers i ever drew was a Vogue Nippon cover of Heather Marks.
Ok Yea, so the magazine arrived today,
and it was amazing thumbing through the issue and seeing so many of my web friends in there.
Early in the issue, i stumbled on the lovely and wonderful Miss Pandora, Louise Ebel.
Then in the Social Media Sections, it was great seeing Jane Aldridge (seaofshoes) & Judy Aldridge (Atlantis Home), Tavi Gevinson (The Style Rookie), Bryanboy, Susie Lau (style bubble), and Julia Frakes (Bunny BISOUS)!
I have to say it was so trippy having my picture next to Carine Roitfeld (French Vogue)! hahaha
i wish i could read Japanese cause the issue looked amazing!
Oh also if you noticed the painting on the third image...
That is a blogger Portrait i did of Tomoko Suzuki who is Vogue Nippon's blogger.
Check out her blog at VogueJapan.blogspot.com.
I hope you're having a wonderful day! :)